Leiðtogar bregðast við: „Óásættanleg aðför að lýðræðinu“ Hólmfríður Gísladóttir skrifar 7. janúar 2021 01:10 Fjölmargir leiðtogar hafa tjáð sig um atburðarásina í Washington D.C. fyrr í kvöld, þar sem múgur réðist inn í þinghúsið þegar staðfesting Joe Biden sem næsta forseta Bandaríkjanna stóð yfir. Flestir sögðu um að ræða aðför gegn lýðræðinu og kölluðu eftir því að vilji kjósenda væri virtur. Disgraceful scenes in U.S. Congress. The United States stands for democracy around the world and it is now vital that there should be a peaceful and orderly transfer of power.— Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) January 6, 2021 Horrendous scenes from the US.These are not ‘protestors’ - this a direct attack on democracy and legislators carrying out the will of the American people.— Keir Starmer (@Keir_Starmer) January 6, 2021 The scenes from the Capitol are utterly horrifying. Solidarity with those in 🇺🇸 on the side of democracy and the peaceful and constitutional transfer of power. Shame on those who have incited this attack on democracy.— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) January 6, 2021 Shocking scenes in Washington, D.C. The outcome of this democratic election must be respected.— Jens Stoltenberg (@jensstoltenberg) January 6, 2021 Unbelievable scenes from Washington D.C. This is a totally unacceptable attack on democracy. A heavy responsibility now rests on President Trump to put a stop to this.— Erna Solberg (@erna_solberg) January 6, 2021 Statsminister Mette Frederiksen udtaler: “Ekstremisme, vold, polarisering og kaos er aldrig vejen frem. Forfærdende billeder fra Washington. Må demokratiet bringes til at virke igen”.— Statsministeriet (@Statsmin) January 6, 2021 Deeply worrying developments in Washington, D.C. This is an assault on democracy. President Trump and several members of Congress bear substantial responsibility for developments. The democratic election process must be respected.— SwedishPM (@SwedishPM) January 6, 2021 An attack on Capitol Hill is an attack on democracy. We are witnessing disturbing scenes of violence in Washington DC. Liberty, democracy and decency must be respected.— Katrín Jakobsdóttir (@katrinjak) January 6, 2021 Canadians are deeply disturbed and saddened by the attack on democracy in the United States, our closest ally and neighbour. Violence will never succeed in overruling the will of the people. Democracy in the US must be upheld - and it will be.— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) January 6, 2021 Very distressing scenes at the US Congress. We condemn these acts of violence and look forward to a peaceful transfer of Government to the newly elected administration in the great American democratic tradition.— Scott Morrison (@ScottMorrisonMP) January 6, 2021 I am following with concern the news that are coming from Capitol Hill in Washington. I trust in the strength of America's democracy. The new Presidency of @JoeBiden will overcome this time of tension, uniting the American people.— Pedro Sánchez (@sanchezcastejon) January 6, 2021 I believe in the strength of US institutions and democracy. Peaceful transition of power is at the core. @JoeBiden won the election. I look forward to working with him as the next President of the USA. https://t.co/2G1sUeRH4U— Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) January 6, 2021 The US Congress is a temple of democracy. To witness tonight’s scenes in #WashingtonDC is a shock. We trust the US to ensure a peaceful transfer of power to @JoeBiden— Charles Michel (@eucopresident) January 6, 2021 The violent acts against American institutions are a grave attack against democracy. I condemn them. The American people's will and vote must be respected— Jean-Yves Le Drian (@JY_LeDrian) January 6, 2021 Die Feinde der Demokratie werden sich über diese unfassbaren Bilder aus #WashingtonDC freuen. Aus aufrührerischen Worten werden gewaltsame Taten - auf den Stufen des Reichstages, und jetzt im #Capitol. Die Verachtung demokratischer Institutionen hat verheerende Auswirkungen. (1)— Heiko Maas 🇪🇺 (@HeikoMaas) January 6, 2021 Press Release Regarding the Developments in the USA https://t.co/WlFnxi59ax pic.twitter.com/UrB6Y65LXJ— Turkish MFA (@MFATurkey) January 6, 2021 Forsetakosningar í Bandaríkjunum Bandaríkin Donald Trump Joe Biden Utanríkismál Árás á bandaríska þinghúsið Mest lesið Sæstrengur milli Eistlands og Finnlands rofinn Erlent Töldu að ævilöng vesælmennska biði „barnanna á mölinni“ Innlent Girnist Panama-skurðinn, Grænland og Kanada Erlent Erfiður tími þegar dóttirin kom út sem trans Innlent Þau kvöddu á árinu 2024 Erlent Dregur úr vindi en áfram vetrarveður Veður Jólakindin Djásn á Stokkseyri Innlent Standa vaktina á jóladag: „Þetta er bara eins og hina dagana“ Innlent Alls kyns jól um allan heim Erlent Þak fauk nánast af hlöðu Innlent Fleiri fréttir Sæstrengur milli Eistlands og Finnlands rofinn Girnist Panama-skurðinn, Grænland og Kanada Alls kyns jól um allan heim Um helmingur farþega komst lífs af Rússar fagna vel heppnaðri árás á orkuinnviði Úkraínu Þau kvöddu á árinu 2024 Dyr Péturskirkjunnar standa opnar Farþegaflugvél hrapaði í Kasakstan Kristnir mótmæla í Sýrlandi vegna brennu á jólatré Samstarfsmaður Escobar frjáls ferða sinna Kraumar í fjarhægriflokknum sem árásarmaðurinn studdi Clinton lagður inn á sjúkrahús Lýsti yfir sakleysi sínu Grunur um alvarlega misþyrmingu barna Segir Grænland ekki falt Trump setur eignarhald Grænlands aftur á dagskrá Brenndi konu til bana í neðanjarðarlest í New York Sádar sagðir hafa sent fjórar viðvaranir Skutu niður eigin herþotu yfir Rauðahafi Færeyingar fagna tvennum göngum Íslenskur skurðlæknir hlúir að fólki í Magdeburg Mótmælt á meðan minningarathöfn stóð yfir „Þetta var gjörsamlega hræðilegt“ Fimm látnir og tvö hundruð særðir Koma naumlega í veg fyrir stöðvun ríkisreksturs Fimmtugur geðlæknir ók bílnum Heyrðu í þyrlum og öskrum út um gluggann Bifreið ekið á hóp fólks á jólamarkaði Hefja aftur leit að MH370 rúmum tíu árum eftir hvarfið Vara við upprisu ISIS Sjá meira
Flestir sögðu um að ræða aðför gegn lýðræðinu og kölluðu eftir því að vilji kjósenda væri virtur. Disgraceful scenes in U.S. Congress. The United States stands for democracy around the world and it is now vital that there should be a peaceful and orderly transfer of power.— Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) January 6, 2021 Horrendous scenes from the US.These are not ‘protestors’ - this a direct attack on democracy and legislators carrying out the will of the American people.— Keir Starmer (@Keir_Starmer) January 6, 2021 The scenes from the Capitol are utterly horrifying. Solidarity with those in 🇺🇸 on the side of democracy and the peaceful and constitutional transfer of power. Shame on those who have incited this attack on democracy.— Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) January 6, 2021 Shocking scenes in Washington, D.C. The outcome of this democratic election must be respected.— Jens Stoltenberg (@jensstoltenberg) January 6, 2021 Unbelievable scenes from Washington D.C. This is a totally unacceptable attack on democracy. A heavy responsibility now rests on President Trump to put a stop to this.— Erna Solberg (@erna_solberg) January 6, 2021 Statsminister Mette Frederiksen udtaler: “Ekstremisme, vold, polarisering og kaos er aldrig vejen frem. Forfærdende billeder fra Washington. Må demokratiet bringes til at virke igen”.— Statsministeriet (@Statsmin) January 6, 2021 Deeply worrying developments in Washington, D.C. This is an assault on democracy. President Trump and several members of Congress bear substantial responsibility for developments. The democratic election process must be respected.— SwedishPM (@SwedishPM) January 6, 2021 An attack on Capitol Hill is an attack on democracy. We are witnessing disturbing scenes of violence in Washington DC. Liberty, democracy and decency must be respected.— Katrín Jakobsdóttir (@katrinjak) January 6, 2021 Canadians are deeply disturbed and saddened by the attack on democracy in the United States, our closest ally and neighbour. Violence will never succeed in overruling the will of the people. Democracy in the US must be upheld - and it will be.— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) January 6, 2021 Very distressing scenes at the US Congress. We condemn these acts of violence and look forward to a peaceful transfer of Government to the newly elected administration in the great American democratic tradition.— Scott Morrison (@ScottMorrisonMP) January 6, 2021 I am following with concern the news that are coming from Capitol Hill in Washington. I trust in the strength of America's democracy. The new Presidency of @JoeBiden will overcome this time of tension, uniting the American people.— Pedro Sánchez (@sanchezcastejon) January 6, 2021 I believe in the strength of US institutions and democracy. Peaceful transition of power is at the core. @JoeBiden won the election. I look forward to working with him as the next President of the USA. https://t.co/2G1sUeRH4U— Ursula von der Leyen (@vonderleyen) January 6, 2021 The US Congress is a temple of democracy. To witness tonight’s scenes in #WashingtonDC is a shock. We trust the US to ensure a peaceful transfer of power to @JoeBiden— Charles Michel (@eucopresident) January 6, 2021 The violent acts against American institutions are a grave attack against democracy. I condemn them. The American people's will and vote must be respected— Jean-Yves Le Drian (@JY_LeDrian) January 6, 2021 Die Feinde der Demokratie werden sich über diese unfassbaren Bilder aus #WashingtonDC freuen. Aus aufrührerischen Worten werden gewaltsame Taten - auf den Stufen des Reichstages, und jetzt im #Capitol. Die Verachtung demokratischer Institutionen hat verheerende Auswirkungen. (1)— Heiko Maas 🇪🇺 (@HeikoMaas) January 6, 2021 Press Release Regarding the Developments in the USA https://t.co/WlFnxi59ax pic.twitter.com/UrB6Y65LXJ— Turkish MFA (@MFATurkey) January 6, 2021
Forsetakosningar í Bandaríkjunum Bandaríkin Donald Trump Joe Biden Utanríkismál Árás á bandaríska þinghúsið Mest lesið Sæstrengur milli Eistlands og Finnlands rofinn Erlent Töldu að ævilöng vesælmennska biði „barnanna á mölinni“ Innlent Girnist Panama-skurðinn, Grænland og Kanada Erlent Erfiður tími þegar dóttirin kom út sem trans Innlent Þau kvöddu á árinu 2024 Erlent Dregur úr vindi en áfram vetrarveður Veður Jólakindin Djásn á Stokkseyri Innlent Standa vaktina á jóladag: „Þetta er bara eins og hina dagana“ Innlent Alls kyns jól um allan heim Erlent Þak fauk nánast af hlöðu Innlent Fleiri fréttir Sæstrengur milli Eistlands og Finnlands rofinn Girnist Panama-skurðinn, Grænland og Kanada Alls kyns jól um allan heim Um helmingur farþega komst lífs af Rússar fagna vel heppnaðri árás á orkuinnviði Úkraínu Þau kvöddu á árinu 2024 Dyr Péturskirkjunnar standa opnar Farþegaflugvél hrapaði í Kasakstan Kristnir mótmæla í Sýrlandi vegna brennu á jólatré Samstarfsmaður Escobar frjáls ferða sinna Kraumar í fjarhægriflokknum sem árásarmaðurinn studdi Clinton lagður inn á sjúkrahús Lýsti yfir sakleysi sínu Grunur um alvarlega misþyrmingu barna Segir Grænland ekki falt Trump setur eignarhald Grænlands aftur á dagskrá Brenndi konu til bana í neðanjarðarlest í New York Sádar sagðir hafa sent fjórar viðvaranir Skutu niður eigin herþotu yfir Rauðahafi Færeyingar fagna tvennum göngum Íslenskur skurðlæknir hlúir að fólki í Magdeburg Mótmælt á meðan minningarathöfn stóð yfir „Þetta var gjörsamlega hræðilegt“ Fimm látnir og tvö hundruð særðir Koma naumlega í veg fyrir stöðvun ríkisreksturs Fimmtugur geðlæknir ók bílnum Heyrðu í þyrlum og öskrum út um gluggann Bifreið ekið á hóp fólks á jólamarkaði Hefja aftur leit að MH370 rúmum tíu árum eftir hvarfið Vara við upprisu ISIS Sjá meira