Í leik kvöldsins heyrðist greinilega í stuðningsfólki í kringum völlinn þó stúkur Emirates-vallarins væru tómar. Þannig var mál með vexti að stuðningsfólk félagsins var mætt til að mótmæla Stan Kroenke, eiganda félagsins.
Ástæðan er ákvörðun Kroenke að ætla í „ofurdeild Evrópu.“ Var það ekki eitthvað sem stuðningsfólk félagsins var par sátt með og lét það skoðun sína í ljós í kvöld.
Hér að neðan má sjá myndir og myndbrot af því sem fór fram fyrir utan völlinn í kvöld.
Arsenal fans showed up in numbers at the Emirates to protest the club s owners pic.twitter.com/TG6RV5tMic
— B/R Football (@brfootball) April 23, 2021
Incredible. How did American Premier League owners misread their own fans this badly? What combination of arrogance, greed or self-interest can blind you to this level of passion, commitment and depth of connection? pic.twitter.com/l79xhD8Vau
— roger bennett (@rogbennett) April 23, 2021
Many wishing football fans would be as animated about serious issues and not just sport. But as smarter people than me will note, at core of this are issues of globalism, anti-capitalism and this particular political moment. Deeply emotional to witness pic.twitter.com/OThn0wePWH
— roger bennett (@rogbennett) April 23, 2021
Big turnout already at the Emirates as fans protest against Arsenal s Kroenke owners pic.twitter.com/awbMKn0bhX
— Sam Dean (@SamJDean) April 23, 2021
'Our club, our home, sell up Stan'
— Goal (@goal) April 23, 2021
Arsenal fans are protesting against the ownership of Stan Kroenke pic.twitter.com/J7HDVMLXOs
"We want Kroenke out!"
— The Athletic (@TheAthletic) April 23, 2021
Arsenal fans chant and protest outside of Emirates Stadium.