Mya-Lecia, sem lék meðal annars í þáttunum Millie Inbetween og Almost Never, lést þann 7. apríl síðastliðinn eftir að hafa hnigið niður að því er fram kemur í yfirlýsingu frá umboðsmönnum leikkonunnar. Ekki liggur fyrir um dánarorsök.
Breskir fjölmiðlar greindu frá andlátinu í gær. „Mya-Lecia var dáð og stór hluti „BBC Children“-fjölskyldunnar og mjög hæfileikarík leikkona, söngkona og dansari,“ segir í yfirlýsingu frá breska ríkissjónvarpinu.
Emily Atack, 29 ára leikkona sem einnig fer með hlutverk í Almost Never, birti mynd af Mya-Lecia á Instagram-síðu sinni þar sem hún minnist hennar og segist vera í áfalli vegna fráfalls hennar.
So shocked and sad to hear about lovely Mya-Lecia Naylor. She was a beautiful and talented girl. A complete joy to be around on the set of Almost Never. Sending all my love to her family & friends. Rest in peace beautiful girl xView this post on Instagram
A post shared by Emily Atack (@emilyatackofficial) on Apr 17, 2019 at 11:24am PDT
Our thoughts are with Mya-Lecia’s family, friends and everyone that loved her at this very sad time. RIP Mya-Lecia Message from CBBC: MYA-LECIA NAYLOR We are so sorry to have to tell you that Mya-Lecia, who you will know from “Millie Inbetween” and “Almost Never”, has very sadly died. Mya-Lecia was a much loved part of the BBC Children’s family, and a hugely talented actress, singer and dancer. We will miss her enormously and we are sure that you will want to join us in sending all our love to her family and friends. We know this news is very upsetting, and it may help to share how you are feeling with friends or a trusted adult. If you are struggling and there is no one you feel you can talk to about it, you can call @Childline_official on 0800 11 11. You can also find an online condolence book on the CBBC website.View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Almost Never (@almostnevershow) on Apr 17, 2019 at 8:01am PDT