Fancies: Jessica Bowe By Hannah Jane Cohen 15. apríl 2019 12:00 Jessica Bowe. Grapevine/Art Bicnick Fancies is a Grapevine series where we highlight an individual with supreme style. Our latest subject is Jessica Bowe (40), who is a copywriter and woman about town known for her ‘StrætóGlam’ style. Today's look: Grapevine/Art Bicnick Jessica is wearing: Everything from the Red Cross style q&a Favourite outfit: I just moved a week ago, so my favourite outfit today is the total opposite of a dirty jogging outfit, refined yet simple, and—very important—easy to find in a yet-to-be organised wardrobe. So black and white it is. Plus, this hat is super easy to locate in a mess. What makes it special? Every part of this ensemble, excluding undergarments of course, is from the local Red Cross shops. This dress cost less than a cocktail, yet it’s so right for drinking a cocktail. On the rack at the store, it sort of threw off 80s art gallery owner or Claus Noemi vibes. Then paired with the hat, it morphs into Kristen Scott Thomas in ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’. That’s a lot of references for only 1.500 ISK. And it has pockets!Describe your style in 5 words: Olsen twins’ lost triplet sister. If I can add a few words, the one who did not inherit a TV fortune, which is, I guess, why I’m a bus rider. Least favourite trend: When I grew up, fanny packs were a thing and I just cannot bring myself to wear those now because it brings back memories of Midwest awkwardness PTSD. Mom jeans and dad shoes too. My parents wore this stuff—and not to be stylish. I can’t. Grapevine/Art Bicnick Lusting after: For my 40th birthday party, I had a glitter-fest. If I could move up several income brackets, I’d get one of those insane sequin jumpsuits from Halpern Studio London and go back in time to redo my birthday in that jumpsuit. The little Cher inside me would come out. StraetóGlam Tips: It’s all about attitude. Toughen yourself up with a dead-eyed bitch face. Winter time? The best thing you can do to be glam in wintertime on Strætó is to get ice cleats for your shoes. You can even get special ones for high heels. They work. Know someone with incredible aesthetics? E-mail us at is an excerpt of a feature published by The Reykjavík Grapevine. You can read the whole feature here. The Reykjavík Grapevine is Iceland´s biggest and most widely read tourist publication. Get your latest on life, travel and entertainment in Iceland on Mest lesið Amma gerandans svarar ákalli föður Bryndísar Klöru Innlent Áður óséð hegðun Bandaríkjamanna gagnvart vinaþjóðum Erlent Viðbrögð Evrópu: „Í dag varð það ljóst að hinn frjálsi heimur þarf nýjan leiðtoga“ Erlent Malbik flettist af og grjót á víð og dreif Innlent „Hver stendur í vegi fyrir því? Ríkisstjórn Kristrúnar Frostadóttur“ Innlent Selenskí mætti í viðtal hjá Fox: Ítrekaði þakklæti sitt til Bandaríkjanna Erlent Grjóthnullungar á stærð við mannfólk í átt að ferðamönnum Innlent Gular viðvaranir gefnar út Innlent Létust líklega tíu dögum fyrir fundinn Erlent Bandaríkin séu ekki raunverulegir málsvarar frelsis Innlent
Fancies is a Grapevine series where we highlight an individual with supreme style. Our latest subject is Jessica Bowe (40), who is a copywriter and woman about town known for her ‘StrætóGlam’ style. Today's look: Grapevine/Art Bicnick Jessica is wearing: Everything from the Red Cross style q&a Favourite outfit: I just moved a week ago, so my favourite outfit today is the total opposite of a dirty jogging outfit, refined yet simple, and—very important—easy to find in a yet-to-be organised wardrobe. So black and white it is. Plus, this hat is super easy to locate in a mess. What makes it special? Every part of this ensemble, excluding undergarments of course, is from the local Red Cross shops. This dress cost less than a cocktail, yet it’s so right for drinking a cocktail. On the rack at the store, it sort of threw off 80s art gallery owner or Claus Noemi vibes. Then paired with the hat, it morphs into Kristen Scott Thomas in ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’. That’s a lot of references for only 1.500 ISK. And it has pockets!Describe your style in 5 words: Olsen twins’ lost triplet sister. If I can add a few words, the one who did not inherit a TV fortune, which is, I guess, why I’m a bus rider. Least favourite trend: When I grew up, fanny packs were a thing and I just cannot bring myself to wear those now because it brings back memories of Midwest awkwardness PTSD. Mom jeans and dad shoes too. My parents wore this stuff—and not to be stylish. I can’t. Grapevine/Art Bicnick Lusting after: For my 40th birthday party, I had a glitter-fest. If I could move up several income brackets, I’d get one of those insane sequin jumpsuits from Halpern Studio London and go back in time to redo my birthday in that jumpsuit. The little Cher inside me would come out. StraetóGlam Tips: It’s all about attitude. Toughen yourself up with a dead-eyed bitch face. Winter time? The best thing you can do to be glam in wintertime on Strætó is to get ice cleats for your shoes. You can even get special ones for high heels. They work. Know someone with incredible aesthetics? E-mail us at is an excerpt of a feature published by The Reykjavík Grapevine. You can read the whole feature here. The Reykjavík Grapevine is Iceland´s biggest and most widely read tourist publication. Get your latest on life, travel and entertainment in Iceland on
Mest lesið Amma gerandans svarar ákalli föður Bryndísar Klöru Innlent Áður óséð hegðun Bandaríkjamanna gagnvart vinaþjóðum Erlent Viðbrögð Evrópu: „Í dag varð það ljóst að hinn frjálsi heimur þarf nýjan leiðtoga“ Erlent Malbik flettist af og grjót á víð og dreif Innlent „Hver stendur í vegi fyrir því? Ríkisstjórn Kristrúnar Frostadóttur“ Innlent Selenskí mætti í viðtal hjá Fox: Ítrekaði þakklæti sitt til Bandaríkjanna Erlent Grjóthnullungar á stærð við mannfólk í átt að ferðamönnum Innlent Gular viðvaranir gefnar út Innlent Létust líklega tíu dögum fyrir fundinn Erlent Bandaríkin séu ekki raunverulegir málsvarar frelsis Innlent