Threatened with Arrest 27. júlí 2006 12:33 mótmæli við kárahnjúka eyjabakkasvæði mótmælendur lögregla The protestors who had closed the road to Hraunaveita, near the Eyjabakkar area in the central-east highlands yesterday were met with police who tried to move them. When protestros refused to budge, police threatened to arrest them. Employees of Arnarfell, the company working to raise the Ufsarstífla dam in the area were unable to work for the whole afternoon yesterday. The protestors, who were both Icelandic and foreign, said that they were raising public awareness of the fact that 45 thousand Icelanders had signed a petition sent to the Government for the protection of the Eyjabakkar area. Police from Seyðisfjörður escorted the protestors off the premises and matters ended peacefully. This is the first time this year that police has to infere with protestors in Iceland. News News in English Mest lesið „Sorglegt að sjá hversu gaman þetta var fyrir þá“ Innlent Óttast afleiðingarnar ef kennarar fá mun meiri hækkun en aðrir Innlent Kafað eftir reiðhjóli í Reykjavíkurhöfn Innlent „Stjórnmálamenn í Lazy Boy bíði þess að skattgreiðendur sendi þeim peninga“ Innlent Grasrót kennara lætur til sín taka á samfélagsmiðlum Innlent Kynnti tveggja milljarða viðbótarstuðning við Úkraínu í Kænugarði Innlent Flestir starfsmenn USAid sendir í leyfi og 2.000 störf lögð niður Erlent Áslaug Arna og Guðrún tókust á í Pallborðinu Innlent Sjálfstæðis- og Framsóknarmenn haldi skólakerfinu í gíslingu Innlent Kristrún og fleiri leiðtogar mæta til Kænugarðs Innlent
The protestors who had closed the road to Hraunaveita, near the Eyjabakkar area in the central-east highlands yesterday were met with police who tried to move them. When protestros refused to budge, police threatened to arrest them. Employees of Arnarfell, the company working to raise the Ufsarstífla dam in the area were unable to work for the whole afternoon yesterday. The protestors, who were both Icelandic and foreign, said that they were raising public awareness of the fact that 45 thousand Icelanders had signed a petition sent to the Government for the protection of the Eyjabakkar area. Police from Seyðisfjörður escorted the protestors off the premises and matters ended peacefully. This is the first time this year that police has to infere with protestors in Iceland.
News News in English Mest lesið „Sorglegt að sjá hversu gaman þetta var fyrir þá“ Innlent Óttast afleiðingarnar ef kennarar fá mun meiri hækkun en aðrir Innlent Kafað eftir reiðhjóli í Reykjavíkurhöfn Innlent „Stjórnmálamenn í Lazy Boy bíði þess að skattgreiðendur sendi þeim peninga“ Innlent Grasrót kennara lætur til sín taka á samfélagsmiðlum Innlent Kynnti tveggja milljarða viðbótarstuðning við Úkraínu í Kænugarði Innlent Flestir starfsmenn USAid sendir í leyfi og 2.000 störf lögð niður Erlent Áslaug Arna og Guðrún tókust á í Pallborðinu Innlent Sjálfstæðis- og Framsóknarmenn haldi skólakerfinu í gíslingu Innlent Kristrún og fleiri leiðtogar mæta til Kænugarðs Innlent