Vísir and Iceland Magazine join forces 8. júlí 2015 17:51 All news and articles in English on Visir.is will from now on be published on the website of Iceland Magazine. vísir/gva Vísir and Iceland Magazine are proud to announce that they have launched a joint venture to better serve English speaking readers, whether they reside in Iceland or are tourists currently travelling in Iceland or planning to visit Iceland. All news and articles in English on Visir.is will from now on be published on the website of Iceland Magazine. A link to Iceland Magazine has been added to the header of Visir.is. Iceland Magazine can also be accessed at icelandmag.visir.is. We at Visir.is and Iceland Magazine hope that these changes will be appreciated by our readers. We are confident they will improve both visir.is and Iceland Magazine, resulting in better media outlets which can provide English speaking readers with all the major news from Iceland and coverage of what is current in the Icelandic tourism industry. News in English Mest lesið Amma gerandans svarar ákalli föður Bryndísar Klöru Innlent Áður óséð hegðun Bandaríkjamanna gagnvart vinaþjóðum Erlent Viðbrögð Evrópu: „Í dag varð það ljóst að hinn frjálsi heimur þarf nýjan leiðtoga“ Erlent Malbik flettist af og grjót á víð og dreif Innlent „Hver stendur í vegi fyrir því? Ríkisstjórn Kristrúnar Frostadóttur“ Innlent Selenskí mætti í viðtal hjá Fox: Ítrekaði þakklæti sitt til Bandaríkjanna Erlent Grjóthnullungar á stærð við mannfólk í átt að ferðamönnum Innlent Gular viðvaranir gefnar út Innlent Létust líklega tíu dögum fyrir fundinn Erlent Bandaríkin séu ekki raunverulegir málsvarar frelsis Innlent
Vísir and Iceland Magazine are proud to announce that they have launched a joint venture to better serve English speaking readers, whether they reside in Iceland or are tourists currently travelling in Iceland or planning to visit Iceland. All news and articles in English on Visir.is will from now on be published on the website of Iceland Magazine. A link to Iceland Magazine has been added to the header of Visir.is. Iceland Magazine can also be accessed at icelandmag.visir.is. We at Visir.is and Iceland Magazine hope that these changes will be appreciated by our readers. We are confident they will improve both visir.is and Iceland Magazine, resulting in better media outlets which can provide English speaking readers with all the major news from Iceland and coverage of what is current in the Icelandic tourism industry.
News in English Mest lesið Amma gerandans svarar ákalli föður Bryndísar Klöru Innlent Áður óséð hegðun Bandaríkjamanna gagnvart vinaþjóðum Erlent Viðbrögð Evrópu: „Í dag varð það ljóst að hinn frjálsi heimur þarf nýjan leiðtoga“ Erlent Malbik flettist af og grjót á víð og dreif Innlent „Hver stendur í vegi fyrir því? Ríkisstjórn Kristrúnar Frostadóttur“ Innlent Selenskí mætti í viðtal hjá Fox: Ítrekaði þakklæti sitt til Bandaríkjanna Erlent Grjóthnullungar á stærð við mannfólk í átt að ferðamönnum Innlent Gular viðvaranir gefnar út Innlent Létust líklega tíu dögum fyrir fundinn Erlent Bandaríkin séu ekki raunverulegir málsvarar frelsis Innlent